Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break and Easter

It has been a long time since I have done anything with our blog, so I thought I would put up some pictures of our fun week and Easter weekend!
It started with conference down at my parents house and then dying some eggs!
My brother Chad showed us this cool way to die eggs that is definitely my favorite way and I am doing it from now on! You wrap a silk tie around the egg and then put it in water and vinegar to boil it. You take off the tie and you get the cool image from it! I love them!

Next we went down to visit Adam's grandparents and brother in Soda Springs, ID. Reagan loved spending time with her cousins!

Then on Wednesday she turned 4 months! So we had to do a photo shoot! I love this girl! She is growing up so fast and getting cuter by the day!
Haha I love this picture because it definitely describes her 4 month old personality...she has discovered her toes and loves chewing on them. She also just got her two front teeth!(So she doesn't have to put them on her christmas list:)

Here is our family picture on was quite a challenge because Reagan was ready to eat and not take pictures! haha also during sacrament meeting she decided to blow out her she is a little immodest without an undershirt! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our sweet Reagan!

It was Dec. 3rd and I was so sad that I had not gone into labor yet. My due date was Dec. 4th and I thought we would have to wait till I was scheduled to be induced 3 days later. That night I jokingly skipped through the house to get her to come. Well I guess it worked because at about midnight that night my water broke. For awhile we were kind of in shock and it didn't hit us yet that we were going to have a baby that day. Before going to the hospital I took a shower and Adam ate breakfast then we headed out. We got to the hospital and I finally started having contractions. I got an epidural once I started to be in only worked on the right side of my body. So I still felt contractions on the left side. The doctor came in again and gave me another epidural but some how that one went in crooked and they had to give me another one. Of course going into this pregnancy that was my biggest fear! The epidural! I hate shots! But in the moment I didn't care...I wanted to be out of the pain! So after three epidural shots things went great. At about 9:30am the nurses decided it was time to push. They warned me because it was my first baby I would be pushing for 30-90 minutes. Luckily it was only about 10 minutes and I heard my sweet baby Reagan's crying! Adam told the doctor he didn't want to cut the ambilical cord...she joked with him and said if she had to cut it she would charge him an extra $500. He did end up cutting it and I was able to hold her on my chest. They then took her and cleaned her off and checked how she was doing. She was very healthy. She weighed 7lbs. 4 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. She had the longest fingers and feet.(she has grown into them now though)

Welcome to the world Baby Reagan!

We love every moment with her and love watching her grow. We are so blessed and fall in love with her more and more each day!

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